Coach Kevin Stallings recieving his talking to following his Technical Foul
What was super hard to see on Saturday was why in the hell the refs decided that they were going to determine the pace of the game by calling foul on every single instance of contact (real or anticipated as we saw early when the refs couldn’t decide if they saw a foul or not). I don’t think I have ever witnessed an NCAA game with 58 fouls in less than 40 minutes (that’s one every 39 seconds of play). I had the pleasure of greeting those refs when they came up to the scorers table to review the play. “EVERY SINGLE GAME” I said, “EVERY SINGLE GAME”, “YOU GUYS ARE OFFICIATING BY REPUTATION”.
At that point Codi uncomfortably squirmed in her seat in hopes that we weren’t going to get a talking to, or escort out by Mitch himself. The Roy Williams gaffe where he kicked out the opposing fan for heckling a UNC free-thrower ran through my head. Then John Calipari came to the edge of his coaches box and started asking, “are you going to look before the foul to see what caused it to happen?”, “if you are looking at our guy you gotta go all the way back”. The ref promptly asked the video folks to, “show the entire 35” meaning the whole play from the beginning but unfortunately Cal was trying to talk them into seeing how they lured him in.
I feel that they were going to actually try and throw double technicals at Cousins and Vandy’s player. Smartly enough they passed and gave him a non-flagrant personal foul. Probably the best scenario that could have happened from that set up. While on the subject of fouls, when Big Cuz got his first true personal technical from mouthing off, he once again was penalized for the perception of what the refs thought he said. I was within 5 feet of him and he never said anything near profanity. He actually said, “what the phhh, man”, “unbelievable”. Unfortunately for him the refs preconceived notion that he was a trouble maker solidified his chances of getting a technical foul based on their opinion and a little help from the frosh.
Incompatent referee trying to explain to Coach about the Cousins Technical foul then to Pat
I don’t think I have ever heard a large crowd buzz so much in excitement than when King James himself rolled into the game. Having Lebron show up was a huge boon to our recruiting as most people don’t know that one of our major recruits was behind the UK bench and got to see for himself just how big the big blue are.
Lebron James not watching the action!
The celebrity “Y” was for the first time that I remember a non-UK grad/former athlete. I would like to know who else may have that distinction to share with Lebron? For the most part he cut up and had fun watching the game and really got to laughing when Taylor for Vandy chinked a reverse dunk. 
King James version of the "Y"
Seems like the wildcats are slowly appearing to be a multi-headed monster that is going to be hard to stop. I want to backtrack one year for a moment and realize that we had lost 6 more games at this point last year so FORGET about South Carolina last week. On, On U of K to the next victim!
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