You could tell by the way the arena lazily filled up before tip, you could tell in the near silence in the arena from the fans, you could tell it by the players energy and lack of enthusiasm. What you could tell is that the in between game just was one everyone wanted to get past us and move on. People were possibly contemplating holiday recipes or perhaps making travel plans, whatever they were doing it wasn’t cheering for their team. Very few times have I ever seen a crowd not get up for the 2001: Space Oddessy version of the big flag turn at half court. What do you call that deal anyway? After a complete spin there was still a good percentage of folks sitting on their butts. One person who wasnt was the Boogey man as he was spotted gyrating in the ERupption Zone this game in another throwback jersey. Another rare creature spotted was DeAndre Liggins who for the most part came in and looked fresh and focused to play. He seemed to have a good energy to his play and the fact that he had a great rebound and put back that excited the crowd louder than any other moment in the evening. His assist to Cousins was a beauty too. You can tell people are pulling for this young man and I for one am not in the closet over it. I have liked him from the beginning but last years retard for a coach about ruined a talented athletes career.

That atmosphere set what was possibly one of the most boring wins in history, and you know we have 1998 of those already so that says something. We dominated them in the paint, they couldn’t hit a basket to save their lives and we seriously outrebounded them to where I was asking if something was wrong with APeay. We however allowed them to shoot well early in the game and it seemed as if there was a five minute stall on starting for the cats.

I am simply amazed at how in tune this team is to each other. We should call this team the alley-cats because they have so many beautiful ally-oops and dunks. The one from Bledsoe, to Wall, to Patterson was the proof that AP was simply outmanned. I am not for certain but I don’t think either of those three guys had a defender on him during that play. The other nice dunk was in fact a “tigger” sighting. I don’t know how Eric Bledsoe can jump so high but he definitely needs to continue training as he skied over both teams to put back a miss with a thundering dunk. He was also the man in charge and got fancy with the behind the back pass to Patterson who took care of the ball and scored. It was great to see Darius starting to sync a bit more with the offense. With the combo of him, Dodson and Bledsoe we will not need a definitive outside shooter this season,

My highlight was having my Grace with me as we got to get a new cheerleading uniform for this game! She is having a blast at the games this year and I have caught her watching the game and following it. What the most fun is she now claps for the cats when the crowd roars.
She is picking up on what she needs for the rest of her life as a wildcat! I really enjoyed a nice game in Rupp with my Girls and hope we might be able to get in one more this season all together.
Our attention inevitably turns to the number 2000, not the next opponent but the next win. I hope that this team can come out and not play so flat against what appears to be another sleeper. Glad to have the pics back again.

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